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If you’re anything like us, you enjoy nothing more than that deeply satisfying feeling of typing in a long-winded password, finding comfort in the knowledge that your chain of hieroglyphs protects you. Just kidding.

We’ve all accepted passwords as a necessary evil, just as we’ve come to accept typing in 6-digit numbers as a part of our normal lives. The problem is, these tools simply cannot protect users in today’s world anymore. 

Let’s discuss why most of the current password and single-sign-on (SSO) solutions are plagued with problems, and what you can do to address them.

Person holding Laptop with digital lock symbol

Cracks in the Armor: Why Regular Password Managers and SSO Solutions Just Don’t Cut It

If you’re trying to protect your organization, even we can admit that using a password manager is still better than writing “password1234” on a note. But only in the way wearing gloves and a leather aviator cap on a motorcycle is safer than letting your hair flap in the wind. As you’re picking up speed and engaging with an increasing number of services, it’s crucial to gear up.

Why, you ask? Because static passwords are just not cutting it in today’s digital landscape. One reason for that is password fatigue. Nobody likes to admit it, but it’s only natural that you don’t want to invent new cryptic sign strings every month. So, people use their phone numbers or birthdays over and over, causing all sorts of problems.

OK, we agree. Static password — bad. Why not use a password manager? 

While they eliminate the issues coming along with password re-use, password managers often introduce new ones. Just over the past few months, we’ve seen breaches of Android password managers, autofill fields on Apple platforms, dedicated password managers, and popular identity and access management tools.

Not all of these breaches are comparable from a technical perspective, but in all cases, the problem is that user credentials were somehow shared or exposed in plain text. Once you throw third-party dependencies, lack of two-factor authentication (2FA), and misconfigurations into the mix, the picture only gets worse. And that’s before we even consider the speed at which artificial intelligence can guess your password and get inside your system.

User at his laptop entering Password to gain access

The consequences go far beyond the personal hassle. In 2023, the average data breach cost $4.45 million, which is an all-time high.

Basically, we have to come to terms with the fact that password-based access is no longer a match for our environment. We’ve tried it, but the problem is that every system is only as strong as its weakest link. And even if you have the most advanced setup, you’re still not accounting for less technically savvy employees. 

We’re not pointing fingers, of course, but we know that social engineering accounts for 90% or more of all cyberattacks. Part of the problem is that hackers’ strategies keep evolving, as recent recommendations regarding Scattered Spider attacks or novel techniques like Quishing indicate. In those scenarios, even 2FA can’t help you, because the victims will type in their one-time password right alongside the password.

Now, before you think the world’s on fire and everything’s lost, let’s see what we’re dealing with. Basically, we run into problems as soon as somebody needs to type something, be that a password or a verification code. Why not eliminate that issue? Can you do that? Turns out, we can.

Almefy for the Rescue

We wouldn’t just want to deliver the bad news and move on, so we’ve come up with a solution. Almefy has revolutionized access control by using QR scanning and identity-based encryption (IBE), thus streamlining the login process without those nasty passwords.

This approach is distinct and yet complementary to Public Key Infrastructure solutions, which rely on a pair of keys for encryption and decryption. And — humble brag moment — it aligns with the principles behind FIDO2 and WebAuthn by enhancing user authentication through a more secure, user-friendly method.

In a nutshell, Almefy offers a seamless alternative, focusing on ease of use and heightened security while eliminating the need for passwords and reducing your team’s reliance on less secure authentication methods.

So, there you have it. We’ve handed you the magic wand. All you have to do is wave it. Still got questions? Get in touch with our experts today. They’ll walk you through all the technical details and explain how Almefy can protect your organization.